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Rodeo, NM 88056
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Thank You |
Saying ..... THANK YOU ..... does not seem to be enough to express the deep gratitude and appreciation for all the help Harmony and Hope received these past years, especially during 2011 to continue providing quality feed and care to our rescued-retired horses.
For those who donated funds for the care of a horse and all the individuals who reached down deep in their pockets, Harmony and Hope survived the monthly hay price increases, the near weekly grains and supplements price increases.
Special Thanks to all who worked so many hours from early spring until the eve of Derby Day, Saturday May 7, 2011 creating the beautiful hats for Derby Day Hat Auction. Billie you and your workers are wonderful.
More Special Thanks
Those who said to their friends - "this year make my birthday present, my Christmas present, our wedding gift, our anniversary gift - make a donation to Harmony and Hope in my name" - these were such special gifts to the horses.
- Dave and Bobby Schurian
For being the best volunteers for so many years and so many hours of help - at feeding time, coming in at 4 AM to help haul hay around to feed the horses, those peppermint snacks, fixing water lines, keeping the tractor running, setting panels, providing lots of love and for always being there in an emergency regardless of the hour or on the days when we had to say good bye to one of our members - to say thank you for sharing tears with me - thank you just does not express the love I've experienced.
- Bill and Joy Schneider
For the many donations - plus the all weather blankets for the older and special needs horses, bags of grain, carrots, halters and for all your time and efforts to raise contributions for Harmony and Hope.
Bill - Thank You for bringing electric power from the house to the Feed Building - absolutely wonderful to make up morning grain pails under an electric ceiling light and retiring my flashlight to it's outdoor duties.
Joy - Thank You for your many trips to the ranch and hours of scrubbing and filling water tubs - especially during the hot July afternoon summer hours - you are incredible.
And, TWO big Thank You's:
First, your help with the cost of caring for the blind horse, Mr. Porter, who arrived in April of 2011 - he loves his blanket Joy.
Second, for opening up your home to foster Veteran providing his feed, daily care and walks, and lots of love for this special needs American Quarter Horse.
- Steve and Cindy Cullen
Thank You so much for your contributions and all the equipment, supplies, bales of hay, your month straight of helping with the care of the horses - the horses absolutely love their BIG round pen.
- Madeline
Thank you for your many hours of grooming, "mucking the stalls" and scrubbing water tubs - you were a huge help and the horses loved the attention you gave them.
- Paula Rosemond
Thank you for your continued monthly contribution to help with the cost to care for Farmstone and Kolby.
- LP Steel Industries and Michelle for the donation of panels, gates and hardware to build additional pens for the Harmony and Hope residents.
- Thank you to EVERYONE who gave a $5, $20, $50, $100, $200 donation to help with the feed costs - the donations helped with feed and made me feel so good.
- Debbie Anbinder
Thank you for stepping right in to help and create Harmony and Hope's first raffle during March 2012.
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Hay contribution from Marge Carlson, Howard Kesselman and Vicki Kesselman | |
Thank you Madeline for such beautiful braids. | |